Flood of 2006 Recovery

August 2008: The Walton Town Board has completely paid off all debt related to the disaster recovery of 2006. After $7 million in borrowing and the renewal of $2 million of that debt to continue repairs the Town of Walton again is debt free. Just two years after this incident — recovery is almost 100%, leaving just a few repairs to Town roads that need to be followed up on.

The Town of Walton gives great credit to our highway employees and contractors that performed awesome work, that was of great quality, yet with expediency of time to allow our citizens business to continue without much delay of inconvenience.

Pictures below will also show the work done recently by the Town of Walton to clean out and re-channelize streams and brooks to allow for better passage of water. In one instance a large gravel/sand bar was found in the Delaware River which was impeding flow. This was removed and with much of the other work will allow water better flow so it does not dam up.

Before and After

Bob’s Brook – better flow and stream capacity. Notice the same cluster of trees in each photo.


Bob's Brook - Before

Bob's Brook - After

Bob’s Brook Outlet into Delaware River – a large gravel bar was damming 1/4 of the river and impeding flow of the brook water.

Bob's Brook Outlet into Delaware River - Before

Bob's Brook Outlet into Delaware River - After

Pines Brook Outlet into Delaware River—better flow and stream capacity.

Pines Brook Outlet into the Delaware River - Before

Pines Brook Outlet into the Delaware River - After

Pines Brook – better flow and Stream capacity.

Pines Brook - Before

Pines Brook - After

Protection of a home that sustained a lot of erosion: allows for better flow to river and protects private bridges to homes.

Protection of a home that sustained a lot of erosion

This work will protect a large pond to prevent a breach in future events compounding possible flooding.

Protect a large pond to prevent a breach

Protection of Town Road, this work was refused by FEMA/SEMO, but was necessary to stop a potentially hazardous washout with another high water event.

Protection of Town Road

 Flood of 2006

Walton, NY Fairgrounds - 2006 flood

Walton, NY - flood 2006

Main Street, Walton, NY - flood 2006

Walton, NY - flood 2006

Flood Cleanup

Wood debris taken from streams throught the Town of Walton, NY. Approximately 20,000 yards in all.

Walton, NY - flood cleanup 2006

Walton, NY - flood cleanup 2006

Walton, NY - flood cleanup 2006