Town Board
Kevin Armstrong, Luis Rodriguez-Bentancourt, Leonard Govern, Patricia Wood
The Town Board meets every second Monday of every month at 6:00 pm at the Walton Town Hall Board Room 129 North Street, Walton, NY 13856 to conduct town business.
Click to show details of the Town Board
Walton Town Board Composition
Councilpersons: Kevin Armstrong, Patricia Wood, Luis Rodriguez-Bentancourt, Leonard Govern
Supervisor: Joseph M. Cetta
Clerk: Ronda Williams
Highway Superintendant: Jeff Offnick
Attorney: Carly Walas
Town Board Oversight Committees
Public Works: Armstrong, Govern
Finance & Insurance: Govern, Wood
Legal & Ordinance: Govern, Rodriguez
Land Use & Village Liason: Rodriguez, Wood
Personnel: Govern, Armstrong
Union Negotiations: Armstrong, Cetta
Building & Grounds: Armstrong, Wood
Technology: Gregory, Wood/Govern
Emergency Disaster: Govern/Wood
Historical: Armstrong/Rodriguez
Citizens wishing to address the Town Board may due so at any regularly scheduled meeting. Citizens are allowed to speak openly on matters that involve the Town Board and should adhere to a few rules.
- Please address the Board as a whole. If asking a question it will be answered.
- Only business that affects the Town of Walton should be brought to the Board.
- Please respect time and take no longer than 5 minutes to address you question or comment to the Board.
- Be courteous and respectful of the Board and other people present.
Town Supervisor
Joseph M. Cetta
129 North Street, Walton, NY 13856
Phone: 607.865.4052 | Fax: 607.865.9314
Deputy Supervisor Kevin Armstrong
Click to show details of the Town Supervisor
Thank you for visiting the Town of Walton’s Website. Along with the Town Board we try to provide the best outreach materials to Walton residents to have better access to their government. I hope that you find this website very helpful and informative.
All Town offices have e-mail and I encourage you to use that for communication with the officials in the Town.
Beyond serving the Town of Walton, my position on the Delaware County Board of Supervisors allows Walton residents the ability to speak with me in regards to County issues as well. I work hard to find answers or remedy problems that people in Walton may run into with the County. If you are finding that you need any assistance please feel free to contact me in regards to any Town or County issue.
Beyond the Town and County, I have contact with many other agencies private or public that you may need to contact. Often, I can help you navigate some of these agencies to find the one that will best help you.
In the future I hope to have much more information listed here for your viewing. I welcome your ideas on what you would like to see for this page or any other area of the website. I hope to have a monthly update listed here so that website viewers can know what is going on month to month within the Town of Walton.
2017-01-25 – State of the Town Message
2018-01-30 – State of the Town Message
Tamara MacDonald
129 North Street, Walton, New York, 13856
Phone: 607.865.5766 Fax: 607.865.9314
Office Hours are Monday – Friday 8:00-4:00 p.m. or by appointment
Reminder: Town Clerk’s Summer Hours start June 7th to end September 2nd. The office hours are Monday -Thursday 8:00 to 4:00 and are closed on Fridays for the month of June through September 1st. If you need assistance you may call for an appointment at 607-865-5766 or use our drop box to the left of the front door.
Click to show details of the Town Clerk
Walton Town Clerk / Tax Collector / Registrar of Vital Statistics
Deputy Clerks: Sharon Way
129 North Street, Walton, NY 13865
As the Walton Town Clerk I am here to help you access the Town Government. People come to this office for a host of services:
- Pay Taxes (until April 30th of each year)
- Access Walton Town Board Proceedings
- Obtain Dog Licenses
- Obtain Marriage Licenses
- Obtain Vital Records
- Obtain Environmental Conservation Licenses
- Genealogy Research
- File Building Permit Applications
- Department of Motor Vehicle Informational Pamphlets
- Make copies or send fax
- Access Tax Map of Town of Walton and Village
- Access to Town of Walton Planning and Zoning Laws
*Some services are subject to a fee
If you need anything please feel free to contact me with any questions. If my office is not able to assist you in anyway we can usually turn you in the proper direction.
Highway Superintendent
Jeff Offnick
25091 State Highway 10, Walton, New York, 13856
Phone: 607.865.5120 | Fax: 607.865.8315
Click to show details of the Town Highway Superintendent
The Town of Walton Highway Department is responsible for all 98 miles of road located within the Town of Walton.
Located just outside the Village of Walton on State Route 10, the highway garage is fully equipped to handle the needs of the Highway Fleet and has storage facilities of sand, salt, and stone for road needs.
The Highway Superintendent oversees the operations of the highway crew, building, and fleet. As the largest part of the Town’s Budget the Highway Superintendent has a big job of keeping roads and the fleet maintained adequately while keeping costs down for the tax payers of Walton.
The highway crew is made up of nine people who operate and work the equipment year round and is dedicated to keeping the Town roads maintained.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Driveways that Access Town Roads
No person, firm, corporation, association or other organization shall commence the construction, enlargement, alteration, improvement of an access road or driveway from private lands to a town highway located in the Town of Walton, without having applied for and obtained an access permit from the Town Highway Superintendent. These permits may be picked up at the Highway Garage and require a fee.
Seasonal Roads
By resolution of the Town Board, pursuant to Section 205-a of the Highway Law, the Town of Walton annually designates the following as seasonal limited use highways that are posted for temporarily discontinue snow and ice removal from December 1, to April 1:
- Chase Brook Road from Town of Tompkins Town line to Tompkins Town Line.
- Beers Brook Road from Russ Gray pond to New York State Route # 206.
- Kellogg Road from the Kellogg residence to the end of the road.
Safety Reminder
When driving thru a work zone, it is required by law to slow down and proceed with caution. Fines are doubled for speeding in work zones.
Winter Reminder:
It is the Highway Department’s goal to keep Town Highways in a passable condition during the winter months. Any type of obstruction located in the Town’s right of way may hinder the ability of snow removal.
- In an attempt to clear the roads, our drivers try not to damage any obstruction in the right of way, however, that is not always possible. Therefore, any damage which may be done to mailboxes, fences, and the like while the Town Highway Department is trying to maintain the roads during the winter, will not be repaired or replaced by the Town, but will be the owner’s expense.
- Vehicles parked on the Town right of way are also a hindrance when trying to clear the roads of snow. Attempts will be made to contact the owners of such vehicles so they can be removed. However, if the Highway Department is unable to reach the owner, or if the vehicle is not removed, the Town will have the vehicle towed, at the owner’s expense.
- It is also a violation to plow across or shovel back into a Town Highway when residents clear out their own driveways and /or sidewalks
Penny Haddad
129 North Street, Walton, New York, 13856
Phone: 607.865.5281 | Fax: 607.865.9314
Click to show details of the Town Sole Assessor
The Sole Assessor is the person at the Town who takes care of all the assessing functions required of the Town. This office assesses all properties in the Town and Village of Walton and has a close working relationship with the Delaware County Department of Tax and Mapping and New York State Office of Real Property Services.
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to Noon
If you have any questions about your assessment or other property tax matters you should contact the Assessor.
Also, the Assessors Office can help you with:
- STAR Exemptions STAR Information
- Veterans Exemptions Veterans Information
- Agricultural Exemptions Agricultural Form
- Senior Partial Exemption form link
- Senior Partial Exemption from instructions
- Link to 480-a Forestry Exemption application
- Link to Forestry Annual Commitment form
- Information about the 480-a Forest Tax Law
- Calculating Assessment on New Construction
- Calculating Assessment on building additions
- Address/Name Change Application Change Form Address-Name
- Complaint on Assessment:
Grieving Your Assessment
If you want to grieve your assessment you will need to speak with the Assessor to receive the paperwork needed. You will then have to meet with the Board of Assessment Review.
This three-member board is appointed by the Town Board and meets annually for the sole purpose of guaranteeing taxpayers’ rights by hearing real property assessment complaints and arriving at fair and impartial determinations regarding those complaints. New York State law requires that these proceedings be held on the Wednesday following the fourth Tuesday of May.
Board of Assessment Review Members
- Robert Locherer
- Steve Wood
- Danny Hodges
Walton Town Justices
- Judge Ripa
Hon. Michael Ripa
Court Clerk: Kris Beers
129 North Street, Walton, New York, 13856
Phone: 607.865.5182 / Fax: 607.865.4616
Click to show details of the Town Justices
The Town Court holds session every Wednesday at 2:00 pm. The Judges, the Court Clerk and the Delaware County Assistant District Attorneys are available. The Court Clerk is available on Monday from 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. and every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.
The Town Court oversees all traffic tickets and criminal actions that are issued by police agencies in the Town of Walton. The Court also handles all civil actions on behalf of the residents in the Town of Walton. If you have questions or need assistance call the number above or send e-mail for further assistance.
Town Justices are not permitted to give legal advice. If you need help in this avenue they will be able to assist you in finding the appropriate help.
Walton Code Enforcement Officer
Garrett Newbauer
Click to show details of the Walton Code Enforcement Officer
The Code Enforcement Officer is at the Walton Town Hall during office hours of 8:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Monday and Wednesdays and Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., as well as by appointment to review building permits, certificates of occupancy, and electrical inspections. The Code Enforcement Officer can also help you understand the planning and zoning laws in the Town of Walton.
If you are planning on building a new structure that is more than 144 square feet in size or adding onto an additional structure you need to file for a building permit.
At times, the Code Enforcement Officer cannot grant a building permit because the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals must review the plans. There is a process and paperwork that must be filed and the Code Enforcement Officer can also assist you with that process.
Town of Walton Planning Board
Gale Neale – Chairman
Paul Endress, VACANT, Arthur Munn, Niles Wilson
Click to show details of the Town of Walton Planning Board
The five-member planning board is appointed by the Town Board. Their duties are to review and approve all subdivision, site plan, or special use applications. They are a volunteer board working under New York State guidelines, as well as the guidelines provided by the Town of Walton Subdivision Regulations, and the Town of Walton Zoning Regulations. Items to be placed on the agenda must be received 10 days prior to meeting date. Meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. or immediately following the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting; when items are on the agenda.
Town of Walton Zoning Board of Appeals
Stephen Hodge – Chairman
Milton Brock, John Litz, Matt King, Lewis Jones
Click to show details of the Town of Walton Zoning Board of Appeals
The five-member appeal board is appointed by the Town Board and meets the first Thursday of each month only when there is an application for review. Their determinations are made in compliance with New York State law and the same local guidelines as the Walton Planning Board. They issue interpretations of Walton’s Zoning Ordinance and Map, as requested by application, and make determinations of whether or not to vary the Zoning Ordinance in hardship cases. Meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Town of Walton Dog Control Officer
Martin Way
Click to show details of the Town of Walton Dog Control Officer
The Town Board appoints the Dog Control Officer. They serve to assist in problems that arise with stray or nuisance dogs in the Town of Walton. The Dog Control Officer can also assist you in finding a lost dog. The Dog Control Officer has the power to issue a summons for Town Court if your dog is in violation of Town, Village, or State law.
Dog Licenses
All dogs 4 month of age and older must be licensed and have a current rabies vaccination. The fee to license a dog is $6.00 for spay/neutered and $15.00 for unsprayed /un-neutered.
*You may obtain a dog license in the Town Clerk’s Office.
For further information on dog control laws visit the State of New York Department of Agriculture and Markets website
Town Health Officer
Dr. Michael Freeman
Click to show details of the Town Health Officer
The Health Officer is required by New York State law to be appointed by the Town Board. The Health Officer will usually work with the Code Enforcement Officer if there is a problem or a violation that could be of a health concern to the Town government or citizens.
Town Attorney
Carly Walas
Click to show details of the Town Attorney
The Town Attorney serves the Town Board and is present at the Town Board Meetings. The attorney helps to navigate contracts that the Board approves from year to year. The attorney also helps with any litigation that is either on behalf or against the Town. Furthermore, the Town Attorney assists with other duties requested by the Board such as contract negotiation and the sale of real property.